Saturday, 13 November 2010


Hello my beauty addicts!

I've known about Luuux for a while now but never thought that I would post anything there but since I'm not gaining many readers at the moment, I figured I would try and broaden my horizons so to say.

This is my first post and I will also copy all my other posts up there too!

Be on the look out for some reviews.....I have quite a few lined up =)!

Have a wonderful day!

Cathy xox

P.S Really must try and figure out a new background...something more beauty related.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

The UK Version of hautelook!

Heya Everyone,,

I'm sure many of you will have heard of hautelook, who are incidentally doing a sale of Rock and republic beauty items at the minute and will also know that they don't ship to the UK. Sad times. However, a few months back I came across an advert for a site called!

In my opinion, it is the UK version of hautelook and they are currently doing a 50% sale of the very luxurious brand Rouge Bunny Rouge.

What are you waiting for? Get yourself over there now!